Ignition Signal Sensor (for HT cable)

Ignition signal sensor unit (for HT ignition cable)
Ignition signal transmittor, especially developed for CDI ignitions (capacitor discharge ignitions) and magneto ignitions. It features a direct and contactless signal collection from the (high tension) ignition cable. That means it is suitable for all types of ignitions.
In case of a bike with CDI (Capacitor discharge ignition) oder other ignitions with difficult signals to sens this is an appropriate option to operate the rev-counter at our instruments. In case of regular transistorized ignition with negativ signal (98% of regular street bikes have transistorized ignitions) this sensor is NOT necessary. The sensor is installed directly at the high-tension ignition cable with cable ties.
Size of the signal collector is approx. 25 mm x 25 mm,
cable length is approx. 100 cm.
Scope of supply: Ignition signal transmittor, 2 cable ties, installation manual